Heine Omega 600 Set with Wall Charger Includes: Heine Omega 600 BIO, Rechargeable Battery, Wall Charger, Power Supply with Cable, Eyepieces with +2 Lenses, and Eyepieces with Plano Lenses.
HEINE provides you with the best optics, the sharpest image, and reliable colors. Along with the capability to explore the whole retina, including the far periphery.
New visionBOOST for cataract patients: more confidence in the diagnosis when examining patients with media opacities. Proven to deliver up to 20% better view of the retina in patients with cataracts*: no matter what circumstances – always the ideal working brightness for both the patient and the user.
The new HEINE OMEGA 600 is the lightest high-end indirect ophthalmoscope and offers the best wearing comfort. The extremely compact lithium polymer battery delivers absolutely top performance with up to 8 hours of operating time. With all cables and electronics integrated into the new headband, this ophthalmoscope is the state of the art.
There is so much to discover inside the eye. And often tiny details can make a big difference. That's why HEINE provides you with the best optics, the sharpest image, and reliable colors. Along with the capability to explore the whole retina, including the far periphery.
New visionBOOST for cataract patients: more confidence in the diagnosis when examining patients with media opacities. Proven to deliver up to 20% better view of the retina in patients with cataracts*: no matter what circumstances – always the ideal working brightness for both the patient and the user.
The new HEINE OMEGA 600 is the lightest high-end indirect ophthalmoscope and offers the best wearing comfort. The extremely compact lithium polymer battery delivers absolutely top performance with up to 8 hours of operating time. With all cables and electronics integrated into the new headband, this ophthalmoscope is the state of the art.
Apertures: HEINE Diffusor, small, medium, and large spot
Filters: yellow (for light-sensitive patients), red-free and blue
Available accessories: