JLC Funduscopic Grading Card


Includes: Two-sided styrene card approximately 5" x 7" (12.7cm x 17.78cm).

The Funduscopic Grading Card is used to assist in the grading of various funduscopic challenges.


  • The primary tool will assist the provider to better determine C/D ratios for Glaucoma Patients.
  • Studies have shown that the use of the card substantially improves the consistency of interexaminer judgment of this ratio.
  • Additionally, the grading card will assist in the selection of proper A/V (artery/vein) and ALR (arteriolar light reflex) ratios. 

Benefits: With the natural course of practical eye care moving in the direction of more group practice and less solo-practitioner practice, the variability in the method of the cup to disc (C/D) ratio determination has become an obstacle to efficient and uniform management of glaucoma. Individual clinicians develop their own internally and perhaps, consistent system, yet interexaminer variability persists. This tool has been shown to help address these issues.

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